Growth-Driven Web Design
Growth Driven Web Design (or GDD) is a methodology that is based around the idea that a website is never actually complete. Like anything that involves growth – It is an ever-evolving work in progress. A website is no longer just a ‘shop window’ it is a sales and marketing tool. And not only that. It is the most important tool in the tool kit. It’s your number one opportunity to attract, and convert leads – and ultimately grow!
What is growth-driven design?
For years, we have dedicated ourselves to web design, pouring our energy into serving clients and launching numerous websites. However, we recently had an epiphany – everything we thought we knew about the web design process was flawed!
Fortunately, there is a new and better approach that holds tremendous potential for both you and your business. It’s time to step back, question the assumptions of the conventional web design process, and embrace a smarter way forward.
It’s time to to say out with the old and in with the new (Growth Driven Web Design) and embark on this journey of discovery and unlock the full potential of your website.
Is every website different?
Every website is different! So it’s key that you let the performance metrics and experience guide the flow of your focus.
Each quarter, you should reassess how to divide your continuous improvement efforts between each focus area based on performance metrics. Once your quarterly focus area is set, it’s important not to shift. Shifting focus can create a lot of motion with little actual improvement.
Once you’ve determined your focus area, it’s time to complete user experience research. For instance, this helps us to understand what challenges or friction points your website users are running into. Similarly, what’s preventing their progress.
Once there’s a good understanding of the challenges, your team will brainstorm all sorts of new action items to build. These items will drive user value while improving the performance metric in the current focus area. All ideas should relate to your team’s current focus area.
With a list of brilliant ideas, it’s now time to prioritize the list to identify the highest impact action items we can implement to boost performance in the focus area.
Based on your workload capacity, we’ll go down the list and select the high-impact action items until you run out of capacity. Anything you don’t get to will be reconsidered in the planning step of the next cycle.

A website is your hardest working sales person...
Websites are like staff: An investment, not a cost!
Imagine if as a business owner, you could hire and train the ideal staff member for your business, a perfect salesperson. They would comprehend everything about your products and understand just what prospective customers need to know so that they’ll decide to choose you over your competitors more often than not. Well you can! Your website may actually be the 24/7 employee you never knew you needed!
Growth-Driven Web Design allows you to constantly measure, rethink and adapt. Much like appraising and training your staff. If you believe in putting in the time and effort to upskill your crew, then Growth-Driven Web Design may be for you!
Traditional Web Design is Broken!
Rebuilding a website every few years is costly, both in time and cost. By adopting a Growth-Driven Web design philosophy, not only will a new site launch faster, and continually improve and evolve – You’re Marketing and Sales will potently skyrocket. It doesn’t happen by accident! You need to invest in and embrace the idea and the sky is the limit!
For a more detailed discussion about the process and your specific website needs, it would be best to connect with us in person. Please don’t hesitate to reach out and book your FREE discovery meeting.

Free Website Audit
If you already have a website, Feel Free to click the link below and we’ll let you know how it stacks up.