Custom Web Design Southland, NZ
For us, custom web design in Southland means more than just looking good. It also has to be easy and intuitive to use, so we can help direct people to the information they are looking for and even to keep them coming back.
Your website should be your best salesperson!
Whether it’s best web design in Invercargill, Southland, Auckland, Christchurch or Queenstown… Not all web design equals in quality, especially when custom web design comes into the conversation…There are dozens of free or cheap template “website builders” out there in Internet Land these days. These kinds of tools are useful if you have something like a personal blog and just want to display your content. But what about for a business to use as the backbone of your digital framework? If you have a website already you can do a free website audit here to see if you ensure is performing well for you.
Cost of Web Design in Southland
The first question most people ask us is: “How much does a website cost?” It’s a relevant question, Understanding your budget is key. However, the real question is how much can the website make? A website can do a lot of the heavy lifting that a sales or customer service person can do these days. You don’t need to be selling products online to see a return from your website… You need to believe websites are like staff! The more information you give them (training) the better they can do their job. And much like staff goals and KPIs, you just need to know what to measure.
Are Custom Websites the best option
With all the advances in technology and template solutions available coupled with AI, some may argue that custom websites are a thing of the past. So has Custom Web Development Been Killed by Wix, Squarespace and Shopify? Short answer – No! Customised projects are even more important these days, in order to stand out from the crowd of sameness online… Every Shopify website is basically the same.
At Back9 Creative, we think that it’s important to stand out and showcase your personality. A pre-defined set of themes or templates will limit your options. Your business doesn’t fit neatly into a box, and neither should your website. On top of that, your website should inspire trust and when 75% of your website’s credibility comes from the design it is so important to get this right. Custom Growth Driven Web Design works. And is the best course of action, to achieve real results!
It’s not for everyone so that’s ultimately your decision to make. Hopefully, we can help you make that decision with the information below.
Web Design is more than looking pretty
For us, design means more than just looking good. It also has to be easy and intuitive to use, so we can help direct people to the information they are looking for and even to keep them coming back. A good website needs to be both practical and appealing, with a careful balance between design and function. Our experienced designers and website developers can help you achieve that.
Website functionality optimizes your website for users and search engines like Google. This means playing the game by their rules too. That means that Web Design in Southland should be optimised for Southland. Find out All bout SEO here When people look for it, you want to make sure that your website performance is top-notch, they can find it and that it’s easy to use when they arrive. But the design itself takes many other variables into account as well. When planned, designed, and built right, your website can work like a super salesperson who never has to sleep, working 24 hours every day to show off everything you have to offer. And it doesn’t take holidays off either. Not even Christmas!

What things should you think about when getting a website?
There’s a lot to think about when it comes to designing a website. What are you trying to achieve, are you building a website to sell products online? Or to sell your brand? Do you know where to start with eCommerce or how to sell products online? If you’re new to designing websites, you may want to know how much does a website cost? Or what to expect from a website design company, if you’ve been through the process before, you may have found it drawn out and time-consuming. One of the main things we find is that the traditional ‘set and forget’ process of building a website just doesn’t work. So is traditional web design broken?
At back9, we believe that traditional websites, as they have been done in the past, no longer provide effective results. More often than not, they are built and left to vanish into the online abyss without another thought. No Website Maintenance or improvement over time, nada. The good news is there is a better way! It is Growth-Driven Design. It is not necessarily the right process for everyone, but if you’re looking to grow your business online, and monitoring, measuring, and Improving or amplifying your website, then it may be for you. How growth-driven design works is in 3 key stages, Strategy, Launchpad, and continuous improvement. Because websites are like staff, they need targets, S.M.A.R.T. goals, and KPI’s in place to measure and continuously improve.
Something else to consider is the budget. Upfront and ongoing. With a proper plan and a mechanism to measure results and make improvements in place from the outset, any investment in a website should return more than what you spend in the long run – like any investment.
How involved will you be in the Website Design process?
How involved would you like to be? The level of involvement depends on your availability and the amount of effort you can dedicate. It’s important to note that even though our design team is skilled, there is still a minimum amount of work required to ensure success. We will need some input from you, even if you give us creative freedom. Collaboration and honest feedback are crucial for a custom web design to come to life.
Our ultimate goal is to provide you with the best possible results, so your participation is essential. To keep you informed and allow for any necessary adjustments, we will require your approval at various stages of the process. This ensures everyone is on the same page and accountable. For a more detailed discussion about the process and your specific website needs, it would be best to connect with us in person. Please don’t hesitate to reach out today!

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