Hey, Where’s my Website?
If SEO was easy, everyone would be doing it. And doing it well. But sadly, it isn’t, and they’re not.
What are the most common questions people ask after launching a website? Well, firstly “Why Can’t People Find my New Website?” Secondly, What is SEO? And thirdly, “how long does SEO take to show results?”
Will these SEO Packages Yield Results?
Business owners want to know when they’re going to see the tangible results from their investment (and understandably so). But… SEO isn’t like paid forms of media. Paid ads like Google Ads, typically show results almost immediately after activation. And consequently, lost as soon once turned off… SEO however, is a long-term investment. Search Engine Optimisation sits within AMPLIFY under our IDEA framework… That means, it’s the part of the iceberg that is under the surface. SEO is the work you may not see – or seldom understand. And that’s OK. However, you need to trust that it works. So if you acknowledge that SEO takes a lot of hard work over a period of time to see success.
SEO is ever-changing
This means constantly measuring, changing, fixing, and adapting to the rules (as and when they change) the big guys like Google put in place. So get into one of our SEO packages and start cranking, ranking, and winning online!